Mission for Grace Youth

We are here to walk with students as they navigate life, and help them take their next step towards Jesus. We create spaces for young people to be known and to know the love of God. As leaders, we strive to be an example of a surrendered life, and to display humility when we fall short. We’ve seen that young people are real with the people they have fun with, so we lean into joy in all that we do!

Upcoming Events

Registration is now open for summer camp! Incoming 7th-12th graders are invited to join us for camp this summer! Camp is July 24th to 28th at Macleay Center in Salem and the cost is $350. We are so excited for God to move through camp this summer. Download the packet below for information about how to register! Don’t hesitate to contact Ally with any questions!



We are so excited to celebrate our seniors as they graduate from high school. We have multiple celebrations planned- click the button below for more information.

Wednesday Nights

G2 is our youth group here at Grace!

We gather weekly from 7-8:45pm on Wednesday nights for students to have the opportunity to grow in their faith as well as be in community with other believers, both fellow students and leaders.

It is a space for middle school and high school students to come and connect with God and other students in a safe, fun, Christ centered environment. We want to walk with students and actively push them to grow deeper in their relationship with the Lord while educating them and equipping them to live a Christ centered life. G2 is all about discipleship through relational ministry.  

For more information about G2 or to be added to the parent email, reach out to our Youth Ministry Leader, Ally at allyt@gracefoursquare.org.

Sunday Mornings

Middle School Students

We now have ONE service for Middle School students at 9am that starts with worship in Main service. Then they get dismissed to play games, eat donuts, hear a teaching, and enjoy their community in small groups and as a whole.

For any middle schoolers that are attending our 11am service, we encourage you to join the high schoolers and youth pastors in the front rows that are blocked off for youth. If you’d rather sit with your parents, that’s okay too.

High School Students

From 10:30 AM to 11 AM in Room 8 we will be having a high school hang out. This will be just a space for our high schoolers to just BE with one another. There will be donuts, card games, and opportunities for students to connect. So often young people's time is very structured and scheduled. This just allows them space to be in community with one another, no expectations, no agenda. 

At 11am we will transition out of our hang time and head into the sanctuary to join for the main service. We will have a couple rows towards the front of the sanctuary marked off and reserved for high schoolers. It’s important for our students to see the greater church and recognize that they are a part of a bigger body!

Looking to serve at G2?

Click the button below to check out ways you can serve.

Meet your G2 Team!


Ally Tanner